Mutual Aid is a Mitzvah. An invitation to support the fund we created to offer our tzitzit at a sliding scale rate

Pay-it-Forward Fund

Tzitzit Project strives to be financially accessible to people from diverse financial security and class backgrounds while being able to compensate our staff and collaborators fairly for their labor.

Our Pay-it-Forward Fund was created as a form a mutual aid to allow us to offer our tzitzit at a sliding scale rate for those who otherwise would not have access.

If you are in the position, please consider making a contribution to support our effort to create affirming ritual objects that center Women, Trans, and Gender Non-Conforming Jews.


Looking for support in receiving a Tzitzit?

If you are someone who could benefit from purchasing one of our tzitzit through our Pay-it-Forward Fund please join our waitlist and we will let you know when the funds are available to get you the tzitzit you deserve.